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New posts in maven-3

Is dependency-reduced-pom.xml automatically used instead of pom.xml?

maven generating pom file

maven maven-3 pom.xml

Maven plugin for Tomcat 9

maven tomcat maven-3

Getting maven project version and artifact ID from pom while running in Eclipse

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Upgrading Maven on Mac

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Using Maven to just download JARs

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Can I configure multiple plugin executions in pluginManagement, and choose from them in my child POM?

maven maven-3

Maven Cobertura plugin not generating coverage.xml

Why are Maven generated-sources not getting compiled? [duplicate]

java maven maven-3

Maven: Overview for the values of Maven properties

maven-3 maven-plugin

How can I use a default value if an environment variable isn't set for resource filtering in maven?

maven maven-3

How to execute mvn command using IntelliJ IDEA?

What are all the default maven packing types?

packaging maven-3

How to create a project using maven-archetype-plugin? What is artefactId etc?

Unable to import maven project in IntelliJ14

maven-3 intellij-14

How to eliminate the "maven-enforcer-plugin (goal "enforce") is ignored by m2e" warning by eclipse?

Changing the order of maven plugin execution


IncompatibleClassChangeError: class ClassMetadataReadingVisitor has interface ClassVisitor as super class

java spring-mvc maven-3

How can I write maven build to add resources to classpath?

java maven-3

Builds are tagged unstable even when they are successful