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New posts in maven-3

maven release plugin with parameterized version

Excluding "provided" scope dependencies during "test" execution phase?

maven maven-3

how to control the pom.xml inside jar built by maven?

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How to deploy locally already installed artifact with Maven

Maven says missing plugins: how to install them?

Preventing overriding dependency version in Maven child pom

maven maven-3

Maven 3.1.0 breaks Google App Engine Maven Plugin

Maven shaded jar used as external project dependency

What is Bill-Of-Materials in Maven dependency management? [closed]

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maven assembly pulls wrong dependency

How to programatically invoke a maven dependency plugin

java maven-plugin maven-3

Maven 3.0's "mvn release:perform" doesn't like a pom.xml that isn't in its git repo's root directory

How to exclude directory in rpm mapping in pom file?

maven-3 maven-plugin

Refreshing eclipse-project at the end of a maven build

Why does Maven 3 give up supporting application $version declaration?

Where is the JDK version to be used by Maven compiler specified?

maven maven-3 java

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test

Spring security oauth2 'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing for spring boot 2.0.3

spring spring-boot maven-3

Suppress Maven Dependency Plugin's "Unused declared dependencies found" warnings

Execute specific version of a maven plugin via command line [duplicate]

maven maven-3