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Refreshing eclipse-project at the end of a maven build

Is there a possibility to refresh the files and folders of a project within eclipse at the end of a maven build automatically. Usually I'm building from commandline. After a build e. g. the target folder should be refreshed.

Additional info: the maven build runs in the command line and eclipse should update automatically when it ended.

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Michael K. Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 09:08

Michael K.

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1 Answers

Use Run as -> Maven build... In the run configuration/build properties go to the refresh tab and select the refresh option you want.

Note that the eclipse build and the maven build may interfere, so make sure that you turn off the Build automatically option in the Project menu before staring the maven build. You may get indeterministic compilation errors otherwise.

enter image description here

Here is an eclipse plugin that implements the external hook for refreshing: https://github.com/andrask/maven-eclipse-control-plugin

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allprog Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
