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Nested bullets with code blocks in markdown for Github

github markdown

Pandoc Markdown to Plain Text Formatting

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How to start ordered list from number other then 1 in Jekyll?

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Error when knitting default RMarkdown file in RStudio

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How can I edit a Markdown file in Xcode?

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What are the reasons not to allow HTML tables when validating user input fields?

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How do I make django's markdown filter transform a carriage return to <br />?

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PHP Markdown XSS Sanitizer

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Implementating Showdown.js markdown parser on the server side for ColdFusion

Javascript API documenting framework with lightweight mark-up

HTML inside Markdown

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Create custom home page with Jekyll

How to show math expressions in Bitbucket and github markdown?

Display .R script in output of .Rmd file

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Rmarkdown table with cells that have two values

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pandoc: xelatex not found. xelatex is needed for pdf output

How to draw tables using JSON for OpenAPI

Jupyter Notebook does not support smileys in MARKDOWN cells

How can I stop GitHub from rendering emojis in Markdown?

How can I make hyperlinks open in a new tab using CSS or Multimarkdown?

html css perl hyperlink markdown