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Can the XeLaTeX builder be used with Sphinx?

python-sphinx xelatex

Sublime text build system - how to auto open pdfs

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“Font shape undefined” with LaTeX - twentysecondcv.cls

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Using \parindent and \parskip with \paragraph{} has no effect

pandoc: xelatex not found. xelatex is needed for pdf output

Import PDF file into XeLaTeX gives "pdf_link_obj(): passed invalid object" error

pdf latex pdftk xelatex

R markdown v2 to pdf. Conversion error when non-Latin characters in plots

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How to pass an option containing a space to a package in LaTeX/XeLaTeX

latex tex xelatex

Failed to run "xelatex .\notebook.tex -quiet" command when trying to download Jupyter Notebook as PDF

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RMarkdown PDF "LaTeX3 error: Erroneous variable"

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Add XeLaTeX to the command list

emacs latex xelatex

Compile XeLaTeX tex file with latexmk

latex latexmk xelatex

Solving "500: Internal Server Error, nbconvert failed: xelatex not found in PATH"

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pandoc doesn't text-wrap code blocks when converting to pdf

pdf pandoc pdflatex xelatex

Enable xelatex in Latex Workshops for Visual Studio Code