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GVim: Different colors of odd and even lines

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How can I use mvim to edit my crontab on Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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Turn on Ack in MacVIm

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Vim: In Terminal, how can I have a better cursor?

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Overriding MacVim's default filetype.vim when assigning filetypes

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Automatically expand fold when going to a line number

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MacVim: create new file from command line by using `alias mvim="open -a macvim"`

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Command-T for Emacs?

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Fail to set font in Macvim

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MacVim on OSX / Yosemite: no editor windows visible at all

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VIM: command to clear current line and drop into insert mode

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Vim: return to command mode when focus is lost

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Color scheme for macvim only - how?

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How to uninstall spf13 Vim distribution?

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