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New posts in latency

Linux thread scheduling differences on multi-core systems?

Synchronize time/events between game (MMORPG) client and server?

Fix for DirectX 7 latency on Windows 7?

QLDB high latency of ~5000ms

MIDI Over Bluetooth

What is the fastest way to transfer files over high latency and high bandwidth link?

Neo4j over bolt protocol has very high latency

Ultra-low latency programming on Linux, where to begin?

c linux latency

Google Pub/Sub performance (latency under low load)?

Networking problems in games

java midi latency

High Redis latency in AWS (ElastiCache)

Determine asymmetric latencies in a network

WebRTC - remove/reduce latency between devices that are sharing their videos stream?

How To Compute HTTP request processing time without network latency?

http tcp latency

A steady number of HBase requests are taking almost exactly 5000ms to complete (successfully) despite lower timeouts. No idea why

Why java division for integer is faster than hacker's delight implementation

java math latency intrinsics

How to speed up slow / laggy Windows Phone 7 (WP7) TCP Socket transmit?

Google Web-fonts vs Actual font files - For all devices