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QLDB high latency of ~5000ms

I am using the "aws-sdk:^2.576.0" and "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs:0.1.0-preview.2", and following the node-sdk's sample code for qldb. I am calling the node-sdk functions via the REST APIs exposed.

So for the read table operation, i.e., SELECT * query (scanTable from the sample code), following is the latency breakdown:

enter image description here

I'm getting a new session for every transaction from the session pool using pooledQldbDriver.getSession() and have a decent internet connection of nearly 100mbps.

Is this much latency expected? Am I doing something wrong, and how can it be reduced further?

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PrashantNagawade Avatar asked Dec 12 '19 05:12


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1 Answers

(As per the comments in your question.)

Right now you're measuring the latency between India and us-west-2, not the latency of QLDB operations. Please use a region that has lower latency (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/qldb.html) or rely on the server-side metrics that you should be able to find in the CloudWatch console.

like image 153
Marc Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
