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New posts in windows-phone-7.1

How to get user's own mobile number from windows phone 7 or 8

determine if "24-hour clock" setting is set

MVVM use of INotifyPropertyChanged Model not notifying ViewModel

Setting Margin from C# code

Using Image Control with Stretch = UniformToFill - WP7

Windows Phone Application Bar's Icons colors

How to Run windows phone 7.1 Emulator on Windows8


Generating a SHA1 hash in Windows Phone outputs a different hash

c# windows-phone-7.1 sha1

Calculate and draw route on Bing Maps control

Windows Phone User Control does not stretch in ListBox

Change focused textbox background/foreground in WP7

Unsupported APIs for AudioPlayerAgent

Reacting to UserAction in AudioPlayerAgent when app is suspended

Mango reminders in locked screen

How can I avoid frequent int/float/double casts when developing an XNA application?

Getting current IP of windows phone 7

Windows Phone camera feed over UDP is "horribly" slow