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New posts in sha1

Different SHA1 Hash result between Java and C#

c# java hash sha1

Create a dovecot SHA1 digest using bash or python or some other linux command-line tool

python bash sha1

Should git-apply or git-am come up with the same hash?

git sha1

Create RSA-SHA1 signature

Can't use sha1 inside class definition?

php sha1

Ruby code for openssl to generate fingerprint

Are SHA-1, SHA-2 patented?

encryption hash sha1 sha256

Java SHA1WithRSA using openssl command line

How can I compute two hashes without reading the same file twice?

c# hash md5 sha1

Calculating the info-hash of a torrent file

iPhone App Review and SHA1

What's the point in providing an MD5 or SHA1 hash along with a downloadable executable?

md5 hash security sha1

Generating a SHA1 hash in Windows Phone outputs a different hash

c# windows-phone-7.1 sha1

sha1 different in go than in python and openssl

Is still valid password hashing using md5 or sha1?

SHA1 hash question

c# sha1

Is there an advantage to this hash for security?

php security hash sha1

Make SHA1 encryption on Android?

java android encryption sha1

Simple secure login php / javascript

php javascript security sha1

What's a C# equivalent of hexdigest in Python 3.2?