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New posts in bittorrent

Generate a torrent/magnet link from a single file in a torrent collection

Torrent library allowing downloading separate file pieces

java c++ c ruby bittorrent

Calculating the info-hash of a torrent file

If torrent contain multiple files, how to know what piece correspond to each file?


Express / torrent-stream: writing a file from stream, sending socket to client with url but client cannot find file

Parsing a torrent file - hash info. (Erlang)

erlang bittorrent info-hash

What is the reasoning behind BitTorrent KRPC using BEncode instead of BSON?

how to get the peer list from torrent tracker response


Torrent related: tracker response on UDP protocol (Update #3 - working)

java http udp bittorrent

How Kademlia tree of nodes relates to the infohash of a torrent file?

how to get the peers from an torrent tracker

java php bittorrent

Is there a Ruby on Rails based torrent tracker?

Extract the hash from Torrent File in ruby

ruby hash bittorrent

Does every peer need to be a node in BitTorrent when DHT is enabled?

bittorrent dht

How do you build a torrent file indexer?

search-engine bittorrent

How exactly is availability of a torrent calculated in uTorrent

bittorrent utorrent

Resolve metadata of a torrent from the hash (or the magnet link)? Ideally in python

bittorrent tracker seeder and leecher in nodejs

node.js bittorrent

'Looser' typing in C# by casting down the inheritance tree