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Which programming language allows to update any class on-the-fly?

string.Format() parameters

c# language-features

Calling methods inside if() - C#

Is there an eval function In C#?

c# eval language-features

What is the overall design philosophy of php? [closed]

If monkey patching is permitted in both Ruby and Python, why is it more controversial in Ruby?

Is the order of fields in a javascript object predictable when looping through them?

C1x: When will it land, what to expect?

c language-features c11

Scala equivalent to Haskell's where-clauses?

Which languages support *recursive* function literals / anonymous functions?

Can you do Logic Programming in Scala?

equivalent of Python's "with" in Ruby

Why doesn't Haskell have symbols (a la ruby) / atoms (a la erlang)?

Why can't I do ??= in C#?

c# language-features

C#: Property overriding by specifying the interface explicitly

Why is Self assignable in Delphi?

Is there a use of free floating block inside a method in Java?

Java Private Field Visibility

Is there a Python equivalent to `perl -pi -e`?

What is the purpose of case sensitivity in languages? [duplicate]