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Seating plan software recommendations (does such a beast even exist?)


What is your system for avoiding keyword naming clashes?

Random number generator that fills an interval

Best practice regarding number of threads in GUI applications

Tricks to refactor a piece of code with many branches (if/then/else)

Screen scraping gotchas

Are long variable names a waste of memory?

How many variables are too much for a class?

language-agnostic oop

Knowledge required to build your own integer class?

Algorithm to solve find max no at a time

Which should one code first, functionality or validity checks?

Subclasses causing unexpected behavior in superclasses — OO design question

Planning web applications


HELP! I don't know binary, hexadecimal, octal, and bit-wise

Multiple instances of Singleton class. Possible?

When should I add a GUI?

Good name for the opposite of the "canary" metaphor [closed]

How many 1s in an n-bit integer?

How to Increment unsigned int by 1 using bit-shifting & logical opr only?

Should I use an interface like IEnumerable, or a concrete class like List<>