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Planning web applications

I'm about to start building new start-up so i need some guidelines from you.

What's the best way to plan a website? I don't think like "first design, then the database relations, then start development", but "how to plan the way application is going to work"?

Are there some proven methods, like THE best way to do website 'blueprints', like with some tool or something?

I need as much feedback as you people can give me, this is really important to me.

Links, experiences, everything is welcome =)

I'd like some tool to be able to draw the process like

page - if logged in - do that - if not logged in - do that 2

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Kemo Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 12:11


2 Answers

Write it down. On a piece of paper. Draw lines between the related parts.

Rinse and repeat as necessarily.

I'm serious. Tools, fancy diagrams, flowcharts, all look pretty for management, but they get in the way of actually understanding how your app is going to work. If it's so complex you can't get it all on a couple sheets of paper, do a big picture view and then do each sub-section.

If you can get a HUGE whiteboard or piece of butcher paper, it's even better. For some reason, having a large space to work on is fantastic for working things out.

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Paul McMillan Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 06:12

Paul McMillan

I used to do huge specifications in word...hundred pages or more. I no longer believe in that since as soon as you write it down it is likely to change (your ideas, features, etc.). Instead I suggest that you look at an MS product called SketchFlow (which comes with Blend). This allows you to quickly and without writing any code snap together a working wireframe, sitemap, and mock up. While you can create a high fidelity (it functions and looks very close to the real thing) I suggest that you instead focus on creating a low fidelity mock up. There are sketch styles which looks like hand drawn UI elements. This way you can focus purely on how your product works and no so much about how it looks. If there is too much 'finish' put on your mock up you will get hung up on the "big blue button" syndrome where people are more concerned with how a button looks and less concerned with what it does.

I wrote four articles on wireframes, mock ups, and the like and suggest various tools and why I chose SketchFlow. Then I go into building a mock up in SketchFlow.





Hope this helps you!

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Andrew Siemer Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 07:12

Andrew Siemer