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New posts in language-agnostic

nested ternary operator vs nested if else, which is better in readability purpose

Ratio of real code to supporting code

How to define the version number of a software?

At what point should architecture become layered?


Best logic for creating a (true) random labyrinth

How to efficiently identify a binary file

Programatically rip text from a PDF File (by hand) - Missing some text

Is there an Online Programming Bible? [closed]

java language-agnostic wiki

Is there a SHOULD (or other modal verb) constructs in any programming languages?

Traveling Contracting


Algorithm for linear pattern matching?

What happens under the hood when one Method Calls Another?

Does it make sense to put a "Send it to a friend" button on a webpage? [closed]


How do you determine if doing something the right way will handicap you?


What are the disadvantages code reuse?

When to use private members - when to pass as function/method parameter [closed]


Generating samples from the logistic distribution

How do I find methods?

Retaining HTTP POST data when a request is interrupted by a login page


Dealing with the rate of change in software development
