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New posts in language-agnostic

Efficient algorithm to find a point not touched by a set of rectangles

How do I access the nth item in a dictionary or hash?

Longest subsequence with alternating increasing and decreasing values

Find the largest substring which contains equal number of 0s and 1s in a binary string

Hungarian Algorithm and multiple factors

Python script to calculate aded combinations from a dictionary

Cube on Cube collision detection algorithm?

Why is 'smoke and mirrors' an anti-pattern?

should I write more descriptive function names or add comments?

How to multiply each digit in a number efficiently

math language-agnostic

Which open source project would you recommend contributing to? [closed]

Language for web site development C++ or php?


Lookup structure for handling future events (time based)

What is a "predicate based search"?

language-agnostic search

What are exceptions?

C language semantic specification

Simple logic problem: Finding largest and smallest number among 3 numbers

language-agnostic logic

Which is more random: human- or software-generated number?

language-agnostic random

Big O for a finite, fixed size set of possible values

Regex match all the words outside quotation marks?