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Regular expression using hypens and digits

regex language-agnostic

Randomly sorting an array

Computing standard deviation over a circular buffer

Benefits of starting arrays at 0?

Top 5 elements in an unsorted array

What is the cleanest way to round a value to nearest 45 degrees?

Push or Pull? Turning keypresses into velocity for in-game vehicles


For your complicated algorithms, how do you measure its performance?

How do I fix my output for floating-point imprecision?

Astar-like algorithm with unknown endstate

Most Effective Public Key Encryption Method

Is there a function that takes two values, lets f(x,y) == f(y,x), and the output is otherwise unique?

2D coordinate normalization

If I store a binary tree in an array, how do I avoid the wasted space?

Multi-site login ala Google


How to search for a person's name in a text? (heuristic)

Validating Kana Input

Good examples of web based business apps?


Catching the dreaded Blue Screen Of Death

language-agnostic bsod

Scrape HTML tables from a given URL into CSV