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New posts in language-agnostic

Parsing float is rounding the value incorrectly in Java [duplicate]

COMEFROM control flow

How can I uniquely shorten a list of strings so that they are at most x characters long

How to robustly call third-party code in the presence of exceptions?

How is standard library for programming language implemented?

Caching time series aggregates of diffs

Advice on what methodology/data structure/algorithm to use

Constrained graph transformation in scheduling applications

What is the reason for using the page's header as a link to itself?


how to tackle this combinatorial algorithm problem

What is a good measure of strength of a link and influence of a node?

How to model this kind of artificial intelligence?

How can a compiler apply function elimination to impure functions?

Should a unit test rely on constants defined by the application?

Software Requirements Analysis [closed]

What is the proper method of constraining a pseudo-random number to a smaller range?

language-agnostic random

What is the correct term for referring to a path and filename?

XPath 2.0 : Open implementations

Do you have genetic algorithm in production?