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COMEFROM control flow

According to wikipedia COMEFROM flow control is considered a joke, unreadable or downright harmful. I'd imagine such a feature would be very useful in AOP scenarios (ie. adding logger to methods without adding logger calls to methods).

Does the downside of non-obviousness of such a control structure outweigh the potential usefulness? Are there any other downsides to consider?

Prompted to ask this question because of this.

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Goran Avatar asked May 11 '11 08:05


1 Answers

For starters is basically useless in any modern language because you need to either:

  • Reference the position to jump from by line number, and these are volatile.
  • Place a marker or label in the code to denote a position that can be jumped from, thus destroying any possible benefits of not needing to do this.


  • Makes any kind of debugging by inspection essentially useless.
  • Can't really capture any context from where it jumped unless you keep variables persistant, which is asking for trouble.

A much better idea would be to instead:

  • Write a hooking API.
  • Call a function!
like image 198
thomasfedb Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10
