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Do design patterns increase or decrease the complexity of an Application?

I was just looking at this question about SQL, and followed a link about DAO to wikipedia. And it mentions as a disadvantage:

"As with many design patterns, a design pattern increases the complexity of the application." -Wikipedia

Which suddenly made me wonder where this idea came from (because it lacks a citation). Personally I always considered patterns reduce to complexity of an application, but I might be delusional, so I'm wondering if this complexity is based on something or not.


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Robert Gould Avatar asked Apr 17 '09 09:04

Robert Gould

3 Answers

If the person reading the code is aware of design patterns and their concept and is able to identify design patterns in practical use (not just the book examples) then they really do reduce the complexity.

However I've found with a lot of junior developers, which haven't heard much about design patterns or weren't aware of them at all, that they believe their use increases the complexity of the code.

I can understand it: You suddenly have more classes or code to go through to solve what seems to be a simple problem at first. If you're not aware of the benefits of design patterns, hacked solutions always look better.

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grover Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 18:12


I love design patterns, but they (apart from simple ones like Singleton) definitely add complexity to an application. They add some dimension to a design that is not intuitively obvious to a novice designer (and not part of the features of the programming language).

Some people might feel patterns reduce complexity because of the benefits they bring in terms of the software's non-functional requirements such as maintainability, extendability, reusability, etc. However, I disagree and see the benefits as a return on complexity investment. Perhaps in some cases patterns reduce complexity, but a theoretical discussion like that sheds more heat than light. Almost none of the answers so far used concrete examples, save https://stackoverflow.com/a/760968/1168342.

To be specific, many patterns increase accidental complexity of a design by introducing new structures (interfaces, methods, etc.) that weren't present in the design before the pattern was applied.

Let's use Visitor as an example.

Visitor is a way of separating operations from an object structure on which they operate. Before the solution with Visitor, the operations are hard-coded into each Element of the object structure. The challenge for the developer is that adding new operations involves modifying the code in the various elements.

After the application of the Visitor pattern, there is an additional class hierarchy of visitors, which encapsulate the operations. The flow of control in the solution is definitely more complex, and will be harder to debug (anyone who has implemented Visitor and tried to follow the program flow of double-dispatched calls with accept/visit will know this).

Understanding and maintaining Visitor functions in terms of cohesive units is less complicated than the alternative of coding functions into each of the Elements in the fixed structure that is visited. This is the benefit of the pattern.

It's difficult to say quantitatively how much increase there is in accidental complexity or how much easier it is to add new operations. I certainly don't agree with answers that make a blanket statement saying in the long-term, complexity is reduced with applying a pattern. It's not like your design "forgets" the double-dispatch added by Visitor's approach, just because you have code which more easily allows operations to be added. The complexity is a price (or tax) you pay to get the benefit in maintainability.

Patterns still have to be applied

Regardless of one's supposed familiarity with patterns, any given pattern must be applied to a solution. That application is going to be different every time (Martin Fowler said patterns are only half-baked solutions). Developers will always have to understand what classes are playing what roles in the existing design, which is subject to the essential complexity (the application problem's complexity) that is often non-trivial.

In the best case, understanding a design pattern applied in an application that's already complex may be trivial, but it's not 0 effort:

  • Patterns aren't always applied the same way. There are many variants of patterns -- Proxy comes to mind. I'm not sure that everyone agrees about how any given pattern should be applied.
  • Introducing one pattern (e.g., Strategy to encapsulate algorithms) often leads to other patterns to manage things properly (e.g., Factory to instantiate the concrete Strategies).
  • Introducing a pattern often leads to more responsibilities. Object cleanup when a Factory is used is not trivial (and also not documented in GoF). How many know about the so-called Lapsed-listener problem?
  • What happens if there is a change in the assumptions made about the need for the pattern (e.g., there is no longer a need to have multiple encapsulated algorithms provided by the Strategy pattern)? It's going to be extra work to remove the pattern later. If you don't remove it, new developers could be duped by its presence when they come on board. Patterns are intertwined between the classes playing the roles in the pattern. Removal is not trivial.

Erich Gamma gave an anecdote at ECOOP 2006 that designers in one case decided to remove the Abstract Factory pattern from a commercial multi-platform GUI widget framework (the classic Abstract Factory example!). As I remember the anecdote, the multiple-levels of indirection (polymorphic calls) in complex GUIs was a significant performance hit in the client code. Customers complained about GUIs being sluggish, and the "optimization" was to remove the indirections. In this case, performance trumped maintainability; the pattern was only making the coders happy, not the end users.

DAO example

In terms of the DAO example you cite in the question, if you're coding an application that will never need to run with varying databases, then the DAO pattern is an unneeded level of complexity. In general, if your code doesn't need the benefit that a pattern is supposed to provide, applying that pattern will increase your application's complexity unnecessarily.

Revolving door metaphor

Using buildings as a metaphor, let's consider a revolving door as a building design pattern. The following image comes from Wikipedia:

Revolving door

You can "see" the additional complexity in such a door. The benefits of revolving doors are in energy savings. They attempt to solve the problem where there are people frequently going in and out of a building, and opening/closing a standard door allows too much air to be exchanged between the inside the outside of the building each time.

It probably wouldn't make sense to install a revolving door as the entrance of a two-bedroom house, because there is not enough traffic to justify the additional complexity. The revolving door would still work in a two-bedroom house. The benefits in terms of energy savings would be small (and might actually be worse because of size and air-tightness relative to a conventional door). The door would surely cost more and would take up more space than a traditional door.

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Fuhrmanator Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 20:12


Design patterns often lead to additional levels of abstraction around a problem, and if not handled correctly then too much abstraction can lead to complexity.

However, since design patterns provide a common vocabulary to communicate ideas they also reduce complexity and increase maintainability.

At the end of the day it's a double-edged sword, but I can't imagine a situation where I'd avoid using a design pattern...

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Sean Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 18:12
