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New posts in java-platform-module-system

Can I use module-info.java if target level is 8?

Understanding how the main class affects JPMS

Eclipse issue with java 9 and maven

Java Beans Introspector requires desktop module

In Java 9, why are package collisions treated a bit differently in some cases?

List the modules resolved during the application startup

Is there dynamic module discovery in JDK9?

Java 9 Modules and JUnit 4

Make classes public, but remain private to a JAR file

What is the significance of java.se module in Java 9?

How to use sun.reflect package in jdk9/java-9?

How to properly link to a modularized dependency using the Maven Javadoc Plugin?

How can I handle split packages in automatic modules?

Java9 Multi-Module Maven Project Test Dependencies

What is the Java 9 reflection equivalent of --add-modules?

Java 8 to Java 9 migration optimal way for mavenised project

IntelliJ doesn't Understand java libraries on Java9-ea

jdeps can't print-module-deps due to a MultiReleaseException

Why is --add-modules necessary for modules which are on the module path?

Which system modules are on the module path by default?