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New posts in java-native-interface

JNI_CreateJavaVM() fails every other time I run my application (exactly)

How to debug JNI/C library?

ACR122 USB SDK - JNI calls to Winscard.dll

Error with javah when writing JNI in Scala with Java 7

How to use extra *.so libraries on Android Studio and NDK

Where do these java native memory allocated from?

Android : Need to create Shared Preferences object in c++ NDK and Store some Boolean value

Why doesn't the JVM crash when entering infinite recursion?

JNI Object Pointers

Is it possible to load different versions of the same DLL in Java?

Java - write dll files from inside a jar to the hard drive?

image decoding and manipulation using JNI on android

Native bridge between Python and Dalvik or AAF

In JNI, is there a more portable way than jlong to encapsulate a pointer?

Glassfish native library loading (.dll, .so)

Android: Using JNI from NativeActivity

Java replay log, diagnosing out of memory error

NetBeans Library using JNI

How to memory map (mmap) a linux block device (e.g. /dev/sdb) in Java?

Getting a ANativeWindowBuffer from ANativeWindow_Buffer