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New posts in java-native-interface

How to get values from jobject in C using JNI?

keep some sort of c++ object alive over multiple jni calls

Memory leak when calling java code from C using JNI

Adding OpenCV to Native C code through CMake on Android Studio

unresolved inclusion in the java header in JNI

C++ and JNI - How to pass an array into a jfloatArray

Generating Java JNI Header

How to send events/signal from C to Java in JNI

Java Web Start - load native dependency with another native dependency

Using Qt/C++ to call Java code through JNI. FindClass does not find class

Unit Testing JNI Calls

Proper binding of a native library in Xamarin

How do you call JNI_CreateJavaVM without Valgrind errors?

Android Equalizer for API Level < 9

How to create native C++ library on Android?

C JNI code introduces errors in an Android Eclipse project once the C file is opened in the editor [duplicate]

Cannot release Mat object in Java

Compare images SIFT /SURF details in .yml files OpenCV?

(opencv rc1) What causes Mat multiplication to be 20x slower than per-pixel multiplication?