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New posts in java-native-interface

registering java function as a callback in C function

Problem to build NDK with C++ in Android

Android JNI not packed in APK

How to handle exceptions from C++ via SWIG to Java

Converting between jdoubleArray and vector<double> in a Java Native (JNI) method in C++

Detecting native memory leaks in Android JNI code

Returning an int from native function(c++, jni) crashes application

Does Android not really have wchar_t?

How to pass a ArrayList<Point> for a jni C++ function?

How to call c++ functionality from java

Java JNI - associating resources allocated in C with java objects?

How to specify c header file in android.mk file

how to use jni in spark?

How to compile telegram jni folder

Find manually registered (obfuscated) native function address

Restrict native code functionality from Java

High-precision timer in Android JNI

NewGlobalRef for jmethodID

Retrieve android.os.Build.... system properties via purely native Android app

Calling a Java Method from the native code using jni