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New posts in java-native-interface

How do I write native code which responds to `Thread.interrupt()`?

JNI direct buffers. Who is responsible for native buffer freeing?

Passing double-byte (WCHAR) strings from C++ to Java via JNI

Android NDK: How to clean up native code after restarting activity?

How call java vararg method from C with valist

Disable all warning during ndk-build

What does "Native library location" entry do in Eclipse?

JNI_CreateJavaVM() terminates with exit code 1

Android multidex, UnsatisfiedLinkError - couldn't find .so file

How to implement a Google-chrome-like title bar for Java SWT application

How to debug an App on Android with GDBSERVER?

how to include prebuilt shared libraries in apk with eclipse

Android JNI APK Packing

What exactly causes a 'spin on suspend' error in Android?

Android ndk(cmake): 'undefined reference to `__android_log_write' when using log api in the second jni library

Programming JNI with Delphi

android ndk multitouch?

Android MediaRecorder to record a Surface (not Camera)

Converting from const char * to LPTSTR without USES_CONVERSTION

Integrating jpct-ae to Qualcomm's Vuforia engine in android