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New posts in java-native-interface

Setting up C++11 (std::thread) for NDK with ADT/Eclipse

Comparing JNI object references

Using GetDirectBufferAddress from JNI

Creating an Integer Object in JNI

Linking thirdparty libs (libs.a) with NDK

No iterator for Java when using SWIG with C++'s std::map

Can NOT pass java int to jni function

System.loadLibrary does not work. UnsatisfiedLinkError for the second lib in chain

Using DeleteLocalRef after SetObjectArrayElement when building array in JNI

Android assets, C, JNI

Problem passing byte[] via jni to C on Android

JNI crashes when calling CallVoidMethod

No JNI_OnLoad found in ... skipping init

JNI. How to get jstring from jobject and convert it to char*

Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library?

Set/Get Java List<> from C code

Can't execute JavaVM->DetachCurrentThread(): "attempting to detach while still running code"

How to fix the libgnustl_shared.so file duplicated which in third party sdks?

Calling a DLL from an Applet via JNI

Simplicity for executing Java from C++