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New posts in istream

Why does operator>> on complex<double> not set eofbit if it reaches EOF?

Why is there no std::from_string()?

How can I find out how many bytes are available from a std::istream?

c++ boost stl istream

What Effect Would LWG2349 Have?

boost::lexical_cast not recognizing overloaded istream operator

How to store formatting settings with an IOStream?

c++ iostream istream ostream

C++ std::istream readsome doesn't read anything

c++ fstream istream

C# IStream implemenation of IStream

c# stream wrapper istream

How to use istream with strings

In C++, calling fork when cin is a bash heredoc causes repeated input fragments

c++ bash fork istream heredoc

Shouldn't istream::peek() always return what you just putback()?

c++ istream libc++

Can `std::istream::operator>>()` accept integer radix prefixes like stdio's %i format specifier?

c++ scanf istream iomanip

How to assign istringstream and ifstream to an istream variable?

Input from stream to enum type

c++ enums istream

Distinguishing between failure and end of file in read loop

c++ error-handling istream

Skip lines in std::istream

c++ istream

How to detect empty lines while reading from istream object in C++?

c++ string input stream istream

non-blocking std::getline, exit if no input

c++ istream

non-copying istringstream

c++ istream istringstream

Why istream object can be used as a bool expression?