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Current best practice for distributed programs in Java

How do I run commands as root from Rails?

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Passing values from one Python program to another

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Performance implications of using inter-process communication (IPC)

Named Pipe Communication between Node.js and .net

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passing events from erlang to Clojure

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Which IPC is more efficient here?

What is the lightest IPC solution between native C/C++ and C# (.NET)?

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Kill a Delphi app based on which socket it is using

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Is there an easy way of clearing a pipe in C

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XPC not creating any processes for XPC services

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Shared memory fork with struct and malloc

Which is faster for IPC sharing of objects -ZeroMQ or Boost::interprocess?

Easy IPC on Windows Mobile?

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python interprocess querying/control

python ipc

How do you tell if a pipe opened process has terminated?

perl file-io pipe ipc

Communication between Linux kernel and user space program

Do some programs not accept process substitution for input files?

Binary serialization/de-serialization in C++ and C#

SImple (but specific) listener and sender Python 3 DBus example

python linux python-3.x ipc dbus