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What's the easiest way to send a string to another application? (Win API)

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Is it possible for a java process in one jvm to kill/stop another java process in another jvm?

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How to structure communication between Nodejs server and rails?

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Linux IPC multiple clients with daemon

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How can I pass Selenium WebDriver objects between seperate Ruby processes?

changing ipc:// to tcp:// python zmq (Windows)

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Why is AIDL/Messenger bound to a Service?

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Fastest way to do local IPC between a Unity process and another C# process [closed]

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POSIX name semaphore does not release after process exits

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FSEvents_connect invalid destination port blocking gulp process

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How to get return value from child process to parent?

socket passing between processes

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Console app to communicate with a windows service

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Database as IPC antipattern

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mach_vm_region_recurse, mapping memory and shared libraries on osx

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Persistent IPC between Bash script and C++

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Communication between Linux programs

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is DBus what I'm looking for?

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Interprocess Communication via file

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Interprocess communication with C# on Linux and Windows

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