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What can cause a spontaneous EPIPE error without either end calling close() or crashing?

unix sockets ipc posix

Mach port messages in Objective-C

objective-c ipc messages

Waiting on multiple semaphores without busy-waiting (C/C++ Linux)

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Significance of MTU for loopback interface

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How to delete a locked (flock) file without race condition: before or after releasing the lock?

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Can Messenger (lightweight alternative to AIDL) be used for cross-application communication?

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IPC: Using of named pipes in c++ between two programs

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Would you architect the control API of the next-gen Mars rover to be RESTful instead of an RPC?

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Throw a custom exception from a service to an activity

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Using IPC to combine multiple languages

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Random characters when reading from pipe

bindService() returns false but unbindService() needs to be called?

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How do I run a program from another program and pass data to it via stdin in c or c++?

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Electron ipc using remote website?

IPC between C application and Python

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process.send is sync/async on *nix/Windows?

Which Java RMI/RPC/IPC technology should I use?

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pass object from one process to another

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Is there any RPC framework with signal functionality as in DBus?

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what are the ipc libs to communicate between a python and an haskell process? [closed]