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Python IPC - Twisted, RabbitMQ,

Communication between Python and Matlab

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How safe is pthread robust mutex?

Interprocess Communication Between C# application and unmanaged C++ application

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Problems with Inverted PUB/SUB with ZeroMQ

Memory-mapped files: pros and cons?

Best way to accomplish inter-activity communication in an Android TabHost application

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Filehandle for Output from System Command in Perl

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Get assembly version of another project (.exe)

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How do I receive data sent by sigqueue() syscall

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Python process forked by NodeJS - Alternative to process.send() for Python?

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Trouble reading from Memory Mapped File

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What is a good open source message bus for embedded Linux?

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Interprocess Communication between C++ app and Java App in Windows OS environment

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Supporting multiple instances of a plugin DLL with global data

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IPC using Signals on linux

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communication between two flex apps