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Go Channels in Ruby

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memory allocation and access on NUMA hardware

Sharing information between a python code and c++ code (IPC)

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Detailed documentation for systemd's sd-bus

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Can Events be Inter-Process?

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Flexible IPC solution for Python on Linux? [closed]

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Mac OS X equivalent of CreateEvent() with named object for interprocess communication?

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pthread conditions and process termination

Multicast IPC options in unix

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Rapid IPC with Messengers or AIDL

How do I know when a child process died?

Any opensource C/C++ Libraries/Frameworks for RPC over pipes/internal linux sockets? [closed]

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Can i get other App's opening closing call backs in my App

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PUB/SUB with short-lived publisher and long-lived subscribers

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Node.js Inter process communication?

node.js ipc

Android ipc LocalSocket vs Binder (AIDL)

What are the pros and cons of using database for IPC to share data instead of message passing?

How to wait till data is written on the other end of pipe

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What interprocess communication mechanism is used by the Java Attach API?

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