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New posts in filehandle

Why doesn't a filehandle need a sigil in Perl?

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What type is STDOUT, and how do I optionally write to it?

perl stdout filehandle

What is the -t used for in this Perl code

perl filehandle

How to make sure a file handle has been closed before next operation?

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How to do cURL PUT requests with a php://memory file handle?

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How to write 1 byte to a binary file?

python filehandle

Access to Perl's empty angle "<>" operator from an actual filehandle?

How do I find if it is the last line while reading a file from within a loop in perl

perl logging filehandle

Get file name without extension?

Send file handle as argument in perl

perl filehandle

How to subclass IO::Handle to properly get a low level file handle without having a file or memory?

How to open Perl file handle to write data via sudo (or as another user)

QSerialPort effect on `/dev/ttyS*` after process end?

Timer that supports overlapped I/O (for IOCP)?

Can I find a filename from a filehandle in Tcl?

Why does an open DLL Handle not protect file from being moved?

windows winapi dll filehandle

winsock socket as file handle

winsock filehandle

Program stuck, pipe file descriptor open when shouldn't?

How can I treat many log files as one virtual file in Perl?

perl filehandle

Using __DATA__ in a program

perl filehandle autosys