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what are the advantages of using mxml over actionscript in a flex application?

Hello World fails with "Error: Could not resolve <s:Application> to a component implementation"

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Unsupported sampling flex/actionscript

flex 3 accessing main mxml from actionscript code

is there such a thing as an MXML interface

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How do I attach camera to Spark.components.VideoDisplay

Whats the itemChangeEffect equivalent in Spark List?

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How would I include an MXML file inline another MXML file?

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How to set TextArea height to its content height

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How to set the name property of spark State declaratively to a string variable value

Flex Type Coercion, it's gone mental I think

How to add wordWrap on spark GridColumn

How to put MXML child nodes within a custom Flex 4 component?

How can you change a Label's color at runtime in ActionScript 3.0?

actionscript-3 label mxml

does actionscript addChild require a display object first

Resolving Component libs with Flex SDK mxmlc

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communication between two flex apps

restricting character set in a Textinput field

default namespace scope warning (1084) in Flex script file