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Can the same Adobe AIR app run more than once?

javascript air adobe

Bundle and execute .app/.exe file with Adobe Air App

Application Loader: Apple's web service operation was not successful

Use filters for Text in GPU mode AIR mobile

How do I protect content in AIR?

video air protection

How does Adobe Stratus work?

Adobe Air - Opening a File With Air

Using ant mxmlc task with native extension

apache-flex air mxmlc

Do I need to worry about concurrency issues in my Flex/AIR code?

Play video from local file using Adobe AIR

Loading Swf with bytearray in AIR

apache-flex air flash

Adobe Air App EXE on a USB Stick

Flash Air App - IOS - How To Integrating Facebook

facebook air

Is it possible to embed or load SWFs when making iphone apps (Is it allowed by Apple)

Adobe Air - deserving of the hype? [closed]


What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR?

Possible to do In-App Purchasing using Adobe Air SDK

ios air in-app-purchase

Can Adobe AIR applications execute processes on the local client machine?


Application approved - pending developer release - Currently unavailable in your Country

Use Adobe Air 3.3 SDK with Flash Builder

flash air adobe