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Usage of Different IPC mechanism

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ZeroMQ PUSH/PULL and lost message

Error in perlipc documentation?

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Exchanging messages between two C++ programs

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How to set a timeout on fopen with named pipes

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Inter-App Communication for sandboxed swift app on macOS

IPC between Python and C#

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Signalling to a parent process that a child process is fully initialised

c# .net ipc process semaphore

Communication between process using NSPipe,NSTask

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Is it possible to avoid serialization/deserialization and to share big memory object with Memory-mapped files (MMF)?

Angular 2 view not updating after receiving ipcRenderer.on from Electron

communication between c++ and c# through pipe

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How to use IPC without being a local Admin?

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ZeroMQ: Check if someone is listening behind Unix domain socket

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Is it feasible to implemenent Linux concurrency primitives that give better isolation than threads but comparable performance?

Reading shared memory data using Java that is written by C++

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How to receive simplest Windows message on UWP XAML MVVM app?

Access mmap memory from another process

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mmap File-backed mapping vs Anonymous mapping in Linux [closed]

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How do I do a non-blocking IPC read on Windows?

windows perl ipc