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New posts in ios7

UIScrollView + Autolayout + Interface Builder: No scrolling, extra space at top after bounce

Right navbar button moves when alertview is dismissed

how to call @selector method from another class

iOS7 UITextView scrollEnabled=YES height

ios ios7 textview

UIRefreshControl freezes when temporarily showing other tab (iOS 7)

boundingRectWithSize not replicating UITextView

ios objective-c ios7

scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options: unable to connect when specifying services

Set VPN connection on iOS programmatically or openVPN source code

Convert RGB Image to Grayscale and Grayscale to RGB Image?

ios objective-c image ios7

Stick UITableView header view to top when creating header in storyboard

Downloading files in serial order using NSURLConnection in iOS

How to Generate JWT token apple connect iOS

ios api ios7 jwt

ios7 all searchviews and tableviews off by 20 pixels

ios iphone objective-c ios7

Is it still possible to submit apps targeted for iOS5 or iOS6 to the App Store after the release of iOS7

ios5 ios6 app-store ios7

iOS7 Startup screen (splash screen) leave a space on the bottom

iOS 7 NavigationBar not showing exact RGB color

UIGravityBehavior isn't working

Empty space below navigation bar with displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar = YES

How to show a UISearchBar from top of screen for table view controller

iOS: More tab crashes on my subclassed UITabBarController on iOS 7.1

ios7 uitabbarcontroller