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New posts in instance-methods

Calling ruby method without instantiating class

Can a method be used as either a staticmethod or instance method?

how to call @selector method from another class

How to monkeypatch one class's instance method to another one?

Fluent Interfaces - the number of objects being created

Call function from Main()

Can a DTO have instance methods returning derived values?

dto instance-methods

Adding attributes to instance methods in Python

How can you call class methods on mailers when they're not defined as such?

Static and instance methods in Python [duplicate]

Static variables in instance methods

Java create a unique ID for each instantiated object using instance methods instead of class/static methods

In Ruby are there any related applications of the syntax: class << self ... end

Ruby Unbound Methods: Is it possible to force bind to instances of other classes?

ruby instance-methods

Ruby: Can I use instance methods inside a class method?

Referring to javascript instance methods with a pound/hash sign

Ruby modules and extend self

Extension Methods vs Instance Methods vs Static Class [closed]

How to make len() work with different methods on different instances of a class, without modifying the class?

python instance-methods