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New posts in class-variables

Representing class variables and methods in UML

Dynamically Create Static Variables (Enum hack)

Python - Overriding the initialisation of a class variable

Difference Between Dot Notation and -> in Objective C

Calling class variable with self

Setting new class variables inside a module

ruby class-variables

Giving each subclass its own copy of a class variable

Class variable: public access read-only, but private access r/w

java class-variables

python: simulating the multiple inheritance of class variables

Scope of class variable

ruby class-variables

Using static function variable vs class variable to store some state

Python Class Variables Question

python class-variables

how to access a class variable of outer class from inner class in ruby

ruby class-variables

Accessing class variables using a variable with the class name in perl

perl oop class-variables

instance variable, class variable and the difference between them in ruby

Can a class in ruby store the number of instantiated objects using a @class_instance_variable and not a @@class_variable?

How a static variable is accessible before the declaration?

Access Class method and variable using self

Is Rails shared-nothing or can separate requests access the same runtime variables?