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New posts in ios7

How to present a modal view in sprite kit?

Multi-Peer Connectivity in iOS 7 transfers incredibly slow

Does NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData work in iOS 7?

ios objective-c ios6 ios7 nsurl

Linker error comes while running as well as testing the Xcode workspace after updating KIF framework via cocoapods

iOS7's drawViewHierarchyInRect doesn't work?

ipad graphics ios7

ios7 - Custom UItabbar has a gap in the bottom

Why is NSURLSession don't use my configured NSURLCache?

Tintcolor in custom border of UIButton

JavaScriptCore.framework Objective-C API introduced with IOS 7 gives a bad NSDate conversion (BUG?)

iOS 7 UIActivityViewController Email Attachments

Application always launch in Landscape Left

Should my iOS game free memory at all when it enters background mode?

memory ios7 process background

Swift 3.0 or Swift 2.3 minimum system version requirement and is it deployed in iOS 7 [duplicate]

Using iOS 7 SDK with llvm-gcc-4.2

ios xcode ios7 llvm-gcc

iOS 7 Simulator Bug - NSAttributedString does not appear

ios-simulator ios7 xcode5

iOS7 / iOS6 Conditional Rotation Portrait / Landscape for different sections of App

iOS 7 safari possible javascript/dojo trim bug

javascript ios dojo safari ios7

IOS 7: Removing border from a section of grouped-style UITableView

although ios 6.1 as base sdk xcode 5 build ipa for ios 7

ios7 xcode5 ipa ios6.1

Center elements vertically inside UINavigationBar with custom height