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Are there best practices for sharing development code between iPhone and iPad app

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OpenGl ES on Iphone - Displaying and rotating 3D objects

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CGContextStrokePath triggers EXC_BAD_ACCESS in iOS > 5 [duplicate]

How can I prevent default double-tap behavior (zooming, panning) in Mobile Safari on iOS4?

How to calculate focusPointOfInterest for AVCaptureDevice?

Monotouch set status bar Hidden - API change secure

How to send the push notification to an individual user in iPhone SDK? [closed]

iPhone - UIWebview doesn't save authentication to sites

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Memory leaks caused due to CoreFoundation Framework

How to play video file from asset library

Continuously getting kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure while trust evaluation - iphone

How to create a UITextField like MFMailComposer has?

I want a UItextField that is in UITableViewCell to become first responder only when the cell touched

ios ios4 first-responder

Wordpress Blog iPhone App Reader [closed]

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Using Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) in OpenGL es (Iphone) to improve performance

Tap gesture recognizer Not working for UIWebiew inside UIScrollView,which is inside UIView

iphone ios ipad ios5 ios4

Simple Delegate Between View Controller and UIView Isn't Working

Changing color of UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark and UITextField

How do you reset an iPhone App's Keychain?

iOS 5 : -viewWillAppear is not called after dismissing the modal in iPad

iphone objective-c ios4 ios5