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New posts in avcapturedevice

AVCaptureSession rotate | orientation while video transmitting

iOS 5 - AVCaptureDevice setting focus point and focus mode freezes the live camera picture

How can I determine whether my iOS device has a torch light?

GPUImage - Focusing and Exposure on tap does not work properly - Missing something?

Fatal Error when trying to capture photo from front-facing camera using AVFoundation

How to calculate focusPointOfInterest for AVCaptureDevice?

Touch ID freezes AVCaptureDevice

Set a custom AVFrameRateRange for an AVCaptureSession

Swift: autoFocus/Expose and continuousAutoFocus/Exposure at the same time?

Objective-C AVCaptureDevice Front Camera

Unable to get devices using AVCaptureDevice

Red audio recording status bar "flashes" while app in *foreground*

show record timer while making video

Preventing AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer from rotating, but allow UI layer to rotate with orientation

Haptic feedback not playing nice with AVFoundation? (UIImpactFeedbackGenerator, etc)

AVCaptureSession Record Video With Audio