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New posts in avcapturedevice

iOS: captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer:fromConnection is NOT called

AVCaptureDevice is always null on simulator

Audio Not Recording in AVCaptureSession [duplicate]

AVCaptureSession cancels background audio

AVCaptureSession bug persists between installs

iPhone 4 AVFoundation : Capture from front and rear cameras simultaneously

AVCaptureMetadataOutput().rectOfInterest not Working

Locking exposureMode with key value observer causes crash

Why does AVCaptureVideoOrientation landscape modes result in upside down still images?

AVCaptureDevice adjustingExposure is False but captured image is dark

How to find the highest resolution AVCaptureDeviceFormat suitable for recording to a file?

zoom in and zoom out camera on pinch gesture swift

How to access Mac default camera using swift xcode

iOS Swift - AVCaptureSession - Capture frames respecting frame rate

In Swift 2.1, how do you get the NSError that was thrown?

How to specify the exposure, focus and white balance to the video recording?

ios camera avcapturedevice