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New posts in ios-4.2

Missing dependency target "<PBXTargetDependency:0x201d16ca0:<no cached name>>"

objective-c ios-4.2 xcode4

how to set uitoolbar's background similar to my navigation bar

iPad : Problem changing the background color of Grouped TableView in iOS SDK 4.2

How can i zoom in and out in a UIImageView without UIScrollView?

Unit testing of static library that involves NSDocumentDirectory and other iOS App specific calls

Xcode 4.2 can't debug iOS 4.2.1 (8C148)

Linking Error libxml2.dylib at Xcode 3.2.5 & SDK 4.2

Adding images to buttons in interface builder

Xcode with SDK 4.2 always starting iPad Simulator

Some questions about push notificatons?

Generating a PDF using the new printing stuff in iOS 4.2

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: doesn't invoke on calling registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:?

number pad keyboard not show return key in iphone

iphone ios-4.2

App crashes with 4.2 iPhone simulator 'set start-with-shell off'

iphone objective-c ios-4.2

error: server did not accept client registration 68

How can I remove the badge number if I click on close button in push notification?

3D Carousel effect on the iPad

iOS 4.2 simulator files?

ipad ios4 ios-4.2

replaceItemAtURL fails without error on iOS but works fine on OSX

How do I animate MKAnnotationView drop?