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New posts in quartz-graphics

Why UIImageView hides only after delay?

Applying color to gray scale image, preserving alpha values (iOS/Quartz)

Sequence of affine transformation with Quartz 2D

ios quartz-graphics

view animation not working for shadowRadius iOS

Setting multiple borders on UIView

iPhone Performance Differences in Quartz Drawing vs. Pre-Baked Images (which I guess simplifies to Quartz vs. Quartz)

Can't block capslock with CGEventTap

How do I adjust a Quartz 2D context to account for a Retina display?

CALayer alpha mask not working

Take screenshots of specific application window on Mac

macos quartz-graphics

Converting a Quartz method from iOS to OSX

Drawing path by Bezier curves

Quartz based drop shadows don't work for me on UITextView

Using Multiple CGAffineTransforms On Text Matrix

Why should I use floats?

iphone quartz-graphics

CAShapeLayer Slow User Interaction

For iPad / iPhone apps, how to have an array of points?

GLPaint save image

Draw dotted lines using Quartz on iPhone

How to determine and interpret the pixel format of a CGImage