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Disable UrbanAirship alerts

iphone urbanairship.com

iOS push notification received when app is running in foreground

Urban Airship: custom icon for default status bar notification

java.net.UnknownHostException(Unable to resolve host "play.googleapis.com": No address associated with hostname)

android urbanairship.com

XCode - why do I get a file not found?

xcode urbanairship.com

Change android package name for phonegap project

Using CodeIgniter cURL to send a push notification via UrbanAirship

cross-platform real time update for mobile phones

Device Token registering fine in development, but not production

Clear push notification badge after increment

No intent receiver set Urban AirShip

Keeping track of active users for push notifications with Urban Airship

Push Notifications using Urban Airship returns apID as null at the first launch

Using Urban Airship & Phonegap, can't register device: "Device token is nil"

Development App Key and App Secret for Android

Prolem using urbanairship Provider android

android urbanairship.com

Urban Airship and AirshipConfig.plist

Push notification using Urban AirShip and Rails 3 for iphone

Open android app from PUSH notification

getIncoming in UrbanAirship for Phonegap