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Push Notifications using Urban Airship returns apID as null at the first launch

I have successfully integrated urban airship push notification to my android application. I ran into an issue here, that is the apID becomes null with the very first launch and then with the second launch, apId comes correctly.

This is how I grab the apId:

String apid = PushManager.shared().getAPID();

This is the class that I have used:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public static SharedPreferences PREFS_TOKEN;
    public static final String PREFERENCE = "UrbanAirship";
    public static String tokenKey;

       public void onCreate(){
           AirshipConfigOptions options = AirshipConfigOptions.loadDefaultOptions(this);
           UAirship.takeOff(this, options);
           Logger.logLevel = Log.VERBOSE;

            // use CustomPushNotificationBuilder to specify a custom layout
            CustomPushNotificationBuilder nb = new CustomPushNotificationBuilder();

            nb.statusBarIconDrawableId = R.drawable.paw;// custom status bar icon

            nb.layout = R.layout.notification;
            nb.layoutIconDrawableId = R.drawable.paw;// custom layout icon
            nb.layoutIconId = R.id.icon;
            nb.layoutSubjectId = R.id.subject;
            nb.layoutMessageId = R.id.message;

            // customize the sound played when a push is received
            // nb.soundUri =
            // Uri.parse("android.resource://"+this.getPackageName()+"/"
            // +R.raw.cat);

            String apid = PushManager.shared().getAPID();

            Logger.info("My Application onCreate - App APID: " + apid);

            PREFS_TOKEN = this.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCE,
            Editor edit = PREFS_TOKEN.edit();

            if (apid != null && apid != "") {
                edit.putString(PREFERENCE, apid);
            } else {
                edit.putString(PREFERENCE, apid);

            tokenKey = PREFS_TOKEN.getString(PREFERENCE, "");
            System.out.println("---------- - App APID: " + tokenKey);


I also have an IntentReceiver class. Any help is appreciated.

like image 292
TharakaNirmana Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 04:11


1 Answers

I found out that the reason is a delay, to get the apId, it takes some time, therefore, in your IntentReceiver class, you have to wait for `PushManager.ACTION_REGISTRATION_FINISHED to fire. From there, you can get the apId:

if (action.equals(PushManager.ACTION_REGISTRATION_FINISHED)) {
            Log.i(logTag,"Registration complete. APID:" + intent.getStringExtra(PushManager.EXTRA_APID)+ ". Valid: "+ intent.getBooleanExtra( PushManager.EXTRA_REGISTRATION_VALID, false));
            // Notify any app-specific listeners
            String apid = PushManager.shared().getAPID();

            Intent launch = new Intent(UAirship.getPackageName()+ APID_UPDATED_ACTION_SUFFIX);

like image 69
TharakaNirmana Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
