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New posts in ioc-container

How best to implement a Per-View Life-Cycle for IoC Injected Components

StructureMap 'conditional singleton' for Lucene.Net IndexReader

Why is Spring not wiring my @Autowired members in a dependent jar?

Navigation & reinstanciate pages/viewmodel constructor

Using the new operator to create objects/dependencies vs. using DI containers

Simple injector lifestyle warnings for web api controllers

IoC container mappings: singleton vs each-call creation

Unity (dependency injection): How to pass in a parameter to the constructor in RegisterType

Simple way to unit test a lazy load property

Using IoC, can a Singleton be injected with objects having a Transient Lifetime?

Autofac: What is the difference between InstancePerRequest and InstancePerLifetimeScope in an MVC app

Verify Autofac registrations in a unit test

Can Castle.Windsor do automatic resolution of concrete types

Using Unity, How do I autoregister a generic class with a generic interface without registering EVERY type to it

How to easily tell if Ninject can resolve a class

c# ioc-container ninject

Project-Embedded IoC Container

IoC Initialize Service with heavy-work in constructor but avoiding a temporal Init() method

Generic <T> how cast?

How to conditionally bind a instance depending on the injected type using unity?

Using Unity With Minimal Configuration