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New posts in ioc-container

Antipatterns of IoC container usage. Why IoC containers are so complex and used so "fancy" way?


Simple Injector / IoC - Windows Service and Request Cycles of a Queue Processor

Does an abstract class work with StructureMap like an interface does?

Does Queryability and Lazy Loading in C# blur the lines of Data Access vs Business Logic?

Load Unity mappings from an XML File

IoC Castle Windsor - No parameterless constructor defined for this object

Laravel4 The benefit of IOC container

Dependency Injection resolve and unit testing

Strategy Design pattern with IOC containers - Ninject specifically

How to unit test this IoC Registration using Named components? (Autofac)

How to deal with scope-natured services like transactions in a DI and IOC environment

How can one use an existing instance to select a type to create in an IoC container

Having trouble understanding ninject (or just IOC container in general) over factory DI?

Unity: Implicit ResolvedParameter for unnamed registrations

What is missing in MEF to be on par with IoC containers?

ioc-container mef

Service Locator easier to use than dependency Injection?

How to pass parameters into constructors when using IoC containers?

Use autofac in multiple project solution

.net wpf autofac ioc-container

IoC / DI with MVC Attributes

How to change dependency registration at run time using simple injector?