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IoC container mappings: singleton vs each-call creation

Lets assume we have a very simple IConfiguration interface that responsible for returning a proper connection string

interface IConfiguration
   string ConnectionString {get;}

and lets assume only one instance of type that implemented such interface can be used (because it just returns a string, not manage a state, etc.)

So, there are, at least, two ways of how the interface could be registered within a container: as usual - new object per each type requesting, or as a singleton - one object for all type requests. Are there any differences between approaches (maybe performance reasons, lifetime management tricks, etc.)



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Dzmitry Martavoi Avatar asked Dec 10 '15 13:12

Dzmitry Martavoi

1 Answers

Object lifetime management using DI container usually boils down to:

  1. Singleton scoped (sometimes container scoped)
  2. Transient (per request from container)
  3. Per graph(context) (example: presenter/controller in desktop applications, session in web applications/web servers)

I urge you to read Mark Seemanns excelent book Dependency Injection in .Net. It has special chapter dedicated to object lifetime management.

In general you're thread-safe with transients and singleton is good for performance reasons or state sharing. You also must make careful note of how your resources are being disposed.

If you have a framework the implies some design you can use parts of this framework as a context for lifetime of the instance.

Example: you have 2 dbcommands used by asp mvc controller so you can share dbsession between them by making dbsession lifetime tied to the controller lifetime.

There are more ways to manage object lifetime - like pooled, lazy loaded or futures, but they're quite less used than the first 3. Read on Mark Seemann for that.

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Cortlendt Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 15:11
